“As we set out on an ambitious goal to reach every country with the Journey of Generosity, seeding movements that have the power to change the world, we recognise we need that same courage, commitment and surrender to Jesus in order to be the organisation and the brand that he calls us to be.
This is your guide to the Generosity Path brand. It tells you everything you need to know about who we are, what we do, and how we communicate that all those we come into contact with.
Our brand is about far more than just a name or a logo. It’s our identity – all the things that make us who we are, and that people associate with us. In this guide, we look at the things that make Generosity Path unique; our purpose; our vision and values, inspired by the faith we share. We’ll outline who we want to reach, and how we plan to reach them, and we’ll demonstrate how we express ourselves in words and visually. Along the way, we’ll point you towards the resources that will help you bring all this to life.
We want to be generous with our products. We want to see them in as many hands as possible, so that the impact of people’s giving can be more than we might ever have imagined. This means telling our story clearly, consistently and confidently wherever in the world we might be. As we do this, more people will get to know who we are and trust what we do. As we do that, we’ll create even greater space for the Holy Spirit to move and transform hearts, and we’ll see God’s kingdom breakthrough over and over again through generosity.
Now that’s a story worth telling.”