The story we tell

Who we are: how we talk about ourselves

When we talk about who we are and what we do, we need to be clear and consistent.

After all, how are our audiences going to grasp what it is that makes Generosity Path special if we don’t seem sure ourselves.

These are words we use externally:

God so loved the world that he gave…

As Christians, everything we know about generosity is rooted here. All that we might give is only ever a reflection of God’s incredible generosity to us.

Yet, despite knowing this truth, we struggle to give in a way that reflects our understanding. Instead, we find it hard even to talk openly about money, let alone experience the transformation that comes from embracing the generosity that Jesus spoke of and lived out every day.

This is the reason that Generosity Path exists – to see God’s Kingdom come through hearts that have been released to live with radical generosity. In turn, we believe this has the power to bring Gospel healing, as we participate in the restoration, justice and freedom only made possible through the generosity and grace of God.

It leads to communities being united; the homeless housed; the hungry fed; the vulnerable protected; and hearts transformed by the Good News of Jesus.

Our tool is the carefully-crafted Journey of Generosity – a simple, interactive experience that creates a space for people to share conversations about faith, life and money. Its ability to bring hearts to a deeper understanding of Jesus-like generosity is strengthened by the unique promise that we will never ask for money, allowing everyone who attends the freedom to make their own giving choices.

We have already seen thousands of lives all around the world, freed to live more generously than they might ever have thought possible. Are you ready to join us on the journey?

The boilerplate:

Inspired by Jesus-like generosity, and with a promise never to ask you for money, Generosity Path is changing the world by releasing people like you to live more generously and more freely than you might ever have thought possible.

The strapline:

Live freely.

When space is limited, and you simply want to communicate what we stand for, the strapline is all you need.

Its strength is not only in its simplicity, but:

  • It is core to our proposition: finding freedom in generosity
  • It is the output of acknowledging that everything we have is God’s, rather than ours
  • It speaks of our heart never to prescribe where individuals should focus their generosity. Ultimately, each person has to discover this for themselves, but it sets the aspiration for what we believe happens when someone fully embraces generosity by surrendering all they are and have to Jesus.
  • It invites the response “But how?”

The Journey of Generosity invitation

Engaging people to take part in a Journey of Generosity experience is foundational to both our identity and our impact.

This simple invitational text can be adapted with visuals of your choice to resonate with specific audiences you are seeking to engage.

Live freely.

Join the thousands of people all around the world, freed to live more generously than they might ever have thought possible. The Journey of Generosity is a simple, interactive experience that creates a space for people to have conversations about faith, life and money.

Over 4 sessions lasting a single day, or organised as an overnight retreat, we explore real-life stories of generous givers from around the world, study what the Bible has to say about giving, and walk through some thought-provoking activities.

When you leave, our prayer is that you are inspired and equipped to find new freedom through God’s gift of generosity.

To ensure you can fully enjoy that freedom, we commit never to ask you for money, or allow anyone else to, at our events. Your giving decisions are yours, and yours alone.

Sign up today at

Our theory of change

Change that begins with a single heart

It’s important that we’re able to articulate how what happens in a Journey of Generosity can ultimately change the world. We call this our ‘theory of change’.

Our ambition is undeniably huge.

What gives us hope is the heart transformation we see in the lives of individuals who participate in a Generosity Path experience. The hearts of these individuals is where it all begins as they surrender it all to Jesus, but this is never our endpoint.

Generosity for ordinary people is empowering.

As those with and without wealth realise that everyone has something to give, people are motivated to stand up and take hold of the resources that God has given them. In turn, cycles of victimisation and disempowerment are broken as every person recognises the role they can play in the healing work of God.

Generosity for business leaders has the power to be transformational.

These are the men and women who hold the most influence in almost every nation. As their hearts are changed, unparalleled funds are released for the Kingdom of God, and the destiny of entire nations is changed.

As ministry leaders capture this wind, they are not only energised and challenged themselves but open up the networks that will carry us into every nation. The local church is strengthened, and the Gospel is lived out in new and exciting ways.

This is economic, social, political, and spiritual change at a scale never seen before.

As hearts are opened to God’s healing work, with the local church at its core, millions of lives are transformed, billions of dollars are released toward global ministry, and God’s kingdom breaks through on earth.