Built on strong foundations

Our core audiences

What you’ve read in the first part of this handbook is like the 10% of the iceberg that can be seen above the surface of the water.

Beneath this is a strategy and range of supporting components which help to explain the Generosity Path brand and our core product, the Journey of Generosity.

In these few pages, we’ve included all of this so that you can understand how it all fits together and supports the external story we share with all those we engage.

We know who we are.

To complete the connection, we need to know those we’re trying to engage, and the key aspects of who we are that will resonate with them.

Defining a global target audience is a challenge, and our understanding of global attitudes to and behaviours of generosity is limited. At this stage in our journey this demands we take a pragmatic approach.

  • We’ll seek to refine and bring focus, rather than to highlight a specific target audience* based on very limited data.
  • We’ll be driven by perceived opportunity in our desire to build a community of movement-makers – the people who will have the greatest influence for us in building (or maintaining) a movement of Gospel-driven, radical generosity.
  • We’ll focus on different, but aligned, target audiences in our brand communications and in our growth strategy.
    *Longer-term, we’ll consider career/role (or other common characteristic); faith; socio economic status; life-stage; potential influence and impact (social and financial).

With an assumption that our core audiences will be active Christians, a non-data driven, and admittedly rather simplistic approach leads us to decide that our initial core audiences will be:

a) Brand communications: Business leaders and professionals

They are the financial movement-makers

  • They have the financial resources to make an impact
  • Their actions influence the actions of their staff
  • They have influence across their networks and communities
  • They are harder to win. Change their hearts and the rest will follow

They enable us to move ‘downstream’ more effectively

  • It is much easier to adapt our messaging for a mainstream audience (downstream), than it is to adapt a mainstream message for a business audience (upstream). Whilst we’ll need to do it carefully, there is absolute confidence that we can employ this messaging and tone of voice to reach a mainstream Christian audience. 


b) Growth strategy: Ministry leaders

  • They are the spiritual, mass movement-makers
  • They are the gatekeepers to the active Christians we want to reach
  • They understand the concept of multiplication for God’s Kingdom
  • They have influence across their networks and communities
  • The message of radical generosity is aligned to the foundational message of the Gospel

They are already a focus for our Regional Directors

  • We are already building relationships with global and regional partners who, in turn, are able to give us access to their ministry networks. Whilst relationships take time to be built, the number of potential JOG participants is exponentially increased

The JOG experience is being built to reach to maximise impact with these audiences

  • The ease of product delivery through the portal, and improvements in content will continue to significantly improve the customer experience for a mass market.