Built on strong foundations

Our core proposition

This is what we offer the individual; the difference that our brand can make in their lives.

It would be easy to think that we simply offer an experience, but it’s the potential impact of that experience which is at the core of our proposition. We also have to consider whether we are offering an output or an outcome.

The output is transformation, which comes through the radical surrender of someone’s heart to Jesus in relation to their money. This has been described by some as the shift “from black and white to technicolour” – a change of perspective so significant that it alters the way someone experiences life.

Whilst there is real strength in this positioning, there are two important considerations:

Firstly, the transformation happens through a combination of an individual’s heart choices and the power of the Holy Spirit. Generosity Path facilitates this but are we truly in a position that say that we can offer it.

Secondly, the moment of transformation can happen; perspective can be changed but without application, the full impact of that transformation is not realised.

Our brand is about so much more than just a moment. That’s why the Generosity Path brand must be focused on an outcome, rather than an output. The outcome, and therefore our proposition is:

the opportunity to live freely.

There are a number of elements to this:

Living freely through God’s grace: when we fully surrender our hearts to Jesus, we have an opportunity to experience the “life in all its fullness” that he promises in John 10:10. This comes not because of anything we can do, but through his love demonstrated on the cross, and the ongoing power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Living freely from the power that money holds over our lives: Jesus said that we cannot serve two masters and used money as the example because of the control it frequently has over the way people live. To live freely is to follow the Jesus way (or yoke) where we experience the “rhythms of grace” he spoke of in Matthew 11:28-30.

Living freely through God’s provision: everything we have is God’s. We live freely when we recognise that, because it means we no longer ‘own’ what we have, and our perspective becomes one of giving to others what God has already given to us. We’re no longer being radically generous with our money, but with God’s money.

Living freely through your own giving decisions: the individual always chooses where to give. This provides an opportunity to align it with (or even find within it) their God-given purpose.

Living freely from fear: if God is for us, who can be against us. Instead of living in fear, our generosity means we can live in a world of adventure, seeing opportunity not obstacles, and constantly in awe of what God is able to do when we put the little we have into his hands.

An important question: why is this only an opportunity?

Whilst we understand the transforming power of the JOG experience, we are always aware that the only person who can first surrender their heart to God, and then live out their newfound generosity is the individual themselves.

We can lead and equip them, but they must be motivated themselves for the change it will bring.

Living freely is a Gospel message.